How To Clean Marble Countertops

What You Need

Warm water
Gentle, non-abrasive dish soap
Spray bottle
Dish cloth or cleaning rag
Soft, absorbent towel


  1. Mix warm water and gentle dish soap: Fill a spray bottle with warm water and add about a tablespoon of gentle, non-abrasive dish soap. Don't use anything with acid or lemon juice. Shake gently to mix the soap and water.
  2. Spray the counter with the dish soap solution: Spray the countertop lightly with the warm dish soap solution.
  3. Wipe with a hot, wet dish cloth: Wipe the soapy water off the counter with a wet dish cloth.
  4. Dry with an absorbent towel: Rub the countertop dry and buff with a soft, absorbent towel.

Counter Top Material Info